Our Top Tips For Boosting Productivity in Your Workspace

Productivity is important as it means we are making the most of our time at work, meeting goals and deadlines and achieving everything we need to grow our business. It can be hard to feel motivated and productive everyday, but there are steps you can take in your personal organisation style and work environment to help boost your productivity.

Here we share our top tips for boosting your own productivity and creating a more productive workspace:

Effective time management

Not everybody works in the same way - some people are more energised in the mornings and lull in the afternoons, whereas others do not come awake until later on. By effectively managing your time and optimising workload for when you are at your naturally most productive, you will be more efficient. Play to these strengths by focusing on priorities first thing, then doing less urgent admin in the afternoon, or waking up over a morning coffee with your emails and making a plan for how to tackle the rest of the day.


Set yourself goals for the day with time limits on each task so that you are not spending too much time on one thing and leaving others undone. Block off time slots in your diary or calendar so that you can focus when you are at your most productive time of day.


A realistic to-do list


It can be overwhelming to start the day with a never-ending to-do list, feeling as though you can’t complete what’s needed and don’t even know where to start. To avoid stress and disappointment, organise your to-do list in terms of priorities. Select a realistic number of tasks that you can get done in one day and keep track of your progress.


There are different ways of organising your to-do list - you could choose the biggest tasks, the smallest tasks, those with the most urgent deadlines, something that makes you feel inspired, or try the 1-3-5 rule, which involves choosing one big task, three medium tasks, and five little tasks to achieve by the end of the day.

Regular breaks

While you may think you will get more done if you are glued to your desk all day, it’s been proven that the opposite is true. In fact, taking frequent breaks from your work, ones where you get up from your desk and move around, make you much more productive. Taking time to refresh your mind and stretch your body, either getting some fresh air, experiencing a new environment, or grabbing a drink or a snack, awakens your brain and leads to bursts of inspiration.


The Pomodoro method blends time blocking with regular breaks, suggesting that you set a timer for 25 minutes to work exclusively on a task with complete focus, before taking a five minute break. Repeat this process so that you are having regular breaks every hour!


Turn off distractions

While we can’t control everything that distracts us, there are certain things in our environment that we can remove to prevent us being interrupted while we are working: muting notifications, putting devices on silent, wearing noise cancelling headphones, and making colleagues or family members aware that we don’t want to be disturbed for a period of time.

Use tools

You can save yourself time and energy from constantly trying to remember and monitor everything by utilising smart systems with automatic admin tools, tracking progress in real time, and setting deadlines and reminders to keep you on track.

Create the perfect work environment

●       Set up a comfortable but functional space with a designated desk complete with space for computer, keyboard, notebooks, drinks, and anything else you need within easy reach.

●       Invest in a quality and ergonomic chair to keep you comfortable and in the right posture.

●       Keep your space clutter-free but personalise it with things that inspire and motivate you.

●      Introduce some natural light and green plants to benefit from the positive effects of nature.

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Whether you are a small business, an entrepreneur, or just starting up, Offiss Workspace can provide huge benefits for your business.

Get in touch via hello@offiss.co.uk to book a visit to Offiss and see how we can transform your business.