Business Introduction McLaren Copywriting - Ally McLaren

Business Introduction - McLaren Copywriting

 At Offiss we have built a supportive community of incredible businesses who co-work and network to help each other grow. We are extremely proud of this group and love seeing people take their businesses to the next level.

We are continuing to introduce each of these amazing companies throughout 2023 to showcase what they do and their skill sets, so you can meet the people behind Offiss.

The next business we want to introduce you to is McLaren Copywriting!

Ally McLaren is a freelance copywriter who writes our blogs for us here at Offiss!  

With a background in creative copywriting, PR, journalism, and marketing, including 5+ years’ experience writing for a variety of publications and clients, she has the skills and know-how to produce customised, engaging, creative content for you or your business. 

She is also the Founder and Editor of This Modern Struggle Magazine, an online magazine with articles covering everything from lifestyle, wellbeing, relationship, and world struggles.  

Here Ally shares her tips for starting a business or going freelance.

What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Stop comparing yourself to other people, stop procrastinating, and stop worrying so much about what people might think.

What is one tip for people starting their own business?

There’s never going to be a perfect time to start doing what you want to do. There’s always a reason to put things off until later, but time goes much faster than you think. You’ll always regret not doing it at all over not doing it in the perfect way.

Starting a business is all about growing and learning. There was so much I didn’t know when I went freelance, but I took the plunge anyway and have learnt so much over this time and figured it out along the way.

There are always going to be situations out of your control or that don’t go how you planned, but everything is a learning experience.

If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

Probably 25. As I am 29 now, I feel like 25 is the perfect mid twenties age where I felt like I had gained some experience but still had so much time ahead of me. That might just be because I’m dreading turning 30 though!

Stay tuned to meet our next business, and find out more about McLaren Copywriting here: and This Modern Struggle Magazine:

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