Is AI good or bad - do the benefits outweigh the potential dangers?

Is AI good or bad- do the benefits outweigh the potential dangers?

AI - you may not fully understand how it works, but it’s likely that you will have heard of it and actually even used it.

But what is AI and how can you use it in your business?

In its simplest definition, AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence, providing problem-solving capabilities.

The past couple of years have seen a rise in apps using AI technology. From using Open AI’s ChatGPT to help you write a social post, to getting the immediate answer to a query from Microsoft Copilot, and with Google’s Gemini stepping into the scene, this intelligence is now an everyday part of our work lives.

While AI has been proven to have many benefits, such as increasing efficiency and creating smart algorithms, it also poses risks to cyber security and people have concerns about the potential dangers it can create.


Two of our business leaders here at Offiss have gone head-to-head in a healthy debate - is AI good or bad?

Andy Goodwin from OpenBrain is pro-AI, and he will be sharing the benefits and how he has used AI. Whereas Rob Shaw from CyberBITS is warning about the dangers from his standpoint as an IT specialist.


Do you use AI in your work?

Andy - I use it mainly as a troubleshooting and educational tool. I also use it directly in my code editor, which speeds up code writing as it suggests code that I may want to use next based on what I have written previously. Being able to ask questions about my code and have it suggest improvements based on best practices is a game changer, it’s like having direct access to a coding tutor who is always available. Every time I question whether I should just write all the code myself, it performs a code completion that secretly blows my mind.


Rob - Yes, but I know not to rely on the information you get back. If we look at the English language in particular, wording something one way and then using the same words in a different order can trigger different responses. As humans, we learn to overcome this, yet I feel AI is still very early in this stage and can be quite literal.


What are the advantages versus the dangers of AI?

Andy - The advantages of AI are yet to be fully understood, but after inviting AI into my everyday work life for the past few months, I have experienced first hand its positive impact on productivity, decision making and creativity.

As AI progresses, I believe all businesses can benefit, especially with the development of AI Virtual Assistant tools designed to manage emails and calendars. Its ability to spark creativity is another significant advantage. Don't know how to respond to an email? Ask AI. Unsure of how to finish a sentence? Ask AI, and so on.


Rob - AI is actively being used to generate malicious computer code. There are controls in place on some platforms to prevent computer code being generated in this way, but with the right wording it can be done. Depending on the scope of AI, it can either accidentally or purposefully expose large amounts of data. Microsoft themselves suffered an accident in September 2023, exposing 38TB of data through AI. So there are big security and privacy concerns around the use of AI.


Why are people hesitant to use AI?

Andy - It's likely related to disaster-hungry news headlines. Throughout history, human shave often been apprehensive about innovations that significantly change aspects of life. For instance, when cars were first introduced in the early1900s, they sparked fear among many, especially those whose businesses involved horses. This fear led to protests against cars, vandalism, and even mockery of drivers in local newspapers. The era of AI we're entering is no different; parts of society will resist and then gradually adapt. Over time, AI will become just another facet of life. Before we know it, we'll be moaning about AI not washing the dishes properly or forgetting to walk the dog.

Rob - Mainly for the security and privacy concerns that still surround it. Copilot in particular is very useful when used in the right way, but if businesses store all of their employee data in SharePoint, what’s stopping people from accessing other employee information like their home address or even their salary? Of course, there are controls, but you have to be careful where you store your data and what access AI and your staff have.


What should people be aware of when using AI, and what are the misconceptions?

Andy - I believe the main concerns are that it's here to take people's jobs and possibly threaten our very survival. Again, these fears I believe are fuelled by news and social media. Indeed, jobs will evolve and require adaptation. Will people lose out? Possibly, especially if businesses choose not to embrace the new AI era over the next few years. However, this is no different from past changes.

The internet made businesses unable to compete with online retailers like Amazon obsolete. The invention of the fridge/freezer made ice harvesters redundant. While this may sound bleak, these changes have led us to a more convenient and streamlined lifestyle, significantly improving our daily living standards and overall health.

Rob - Be mindful of the fact that you’re using a system that could potentially be used in a not so good way.  We’re all very optimistic about the use of AI, but try to see the other side - it has been used to spread fake news articles and disinformation. It’s then self-learning from that disinformation, so when you get your response, it could be based on fake content already created by AI previously.



What do you believe is the future of AI in your industry and in general?

Andy - When it comes to coding, inevitably AI will progressively improve at writing code, enabling developers to spend less time on the initial writing and more time on adding the finishing touches to an app or website. Developers often write extensive code just to handle errors and invalid user input. The idea of having all of this handled automatically, allowing developers to concentrate solely on the core functionality of the software, would be very welcomed.

I am excited about the role of AI in the health sector, especially regarding diagnosis and general health guidance. The disparities in knowledge among general practitioners (GPs) and the lengthy wait times to consult a professional could be significantly reduced by leveraging AI to manage daily patient communication. Imagine a scenario where the need for a second or even third opinion is eliminated, enabling you to receive a health diagnosis in minutes or even seconds from the comfort of your sofa.

Rob - I do think AI will continue to be developed for the right reasons. But tighter controls on what it can access and the information that it uses are needed.

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